Index | Diary




The following css files need to be copied from ~/Dropbox/css to ~/Dropbox/Vim/wiki_html/ normalize.css skeleton.css style.css further instructions for creating the default.html template file can be found here [wallabag]( )

The skeleton and style css files have all some personal changes made, at a future date it my be better to combine them.

"Set this option to 1 to automatically generate the HTML file when the "corresponding wiki page is saved let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/Dropbox/Vim/wiki/', 'auto_export': 1}]

The Diary page css is a inline style set from Dropbox/Vim/wiki/templates/diary.html and referenced by %template diary

Leader ws lists all wikis

It comes with a little .vimrc snippet which downloads the plugin, but it only works for Unix. I use Vim across all three platforms regularly, so I updated the snippet:

" Download and install vim-plug (cross platform).
if empty(glob(
    \ '$HOME/' . (has('win32') ? 'vimfiles' : '.vim') . '/autoload/plug.vim'))
  execute '!curl -fLo ' .
    \ (has('win32') ? '\%USERPROFILE\%/vimfiles' : '$HOME/.vim') . 
    \ '/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs ' .
    \ ''
  autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | source $MYVIMRC

The above should work across all three major OSes, since Windows 10 recently received curl support. Ruslan Osipov